Sun Protection

Six ways a canopy will enhance your home

by Just Awnings on August 23, 2017 No comments

People tend to think that canopies have only one use and that is to act as a sunshade. However the truth is that canopies and awnings have a lot more benefits that make them an excellent addition to almost every home. Read on and I think you will agree that if you choose the right canopy for your home you will enjoy a surprisingly long list of benefits for years to come.

Firstly an awning or canopy does indeed act as a sunscreen. Sound scientific research has revealed the hazards of exposure to ultra violet radiation for all to see. We know we need to stay out of the midday sun and an awning allows us to do this without having to retreat indoors. We can continue to enjoy the garden whilst keeping the whole family safe.

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Just AwningsSix ways a canopy will enhance your home

Don’t get caught out in the sun

by Just Awnings on May 10, 2017 No comments

We all get told that exposure to too much sunlight is dangerous, but after a long dark winter we Brits seem to go a bit sun crazy during the summer and will lie out in the garden any chance we get. However, according to the skin cancer foundation, almost 9/10 skin cancers are associated with exposure to UV radiation from the sun.

So should we stay indoors?  No, of course not. After all, it isn’t the UV radiation that we are enjoying in the garden. Mostly it is the fresh warm breezes, the natural garden scents, the beautiful plants and flowers and above all, that feeling of space that you don’t get when cramped up in the house.  Thankfully all these things that we so cherish can still be enjoyed while shading ourselves from direct sunlight.

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Just AwningsDon’t get caught out in the sun